The Liberal Democrats are divvying up Weymouth to housing developers, contradicting a party statement in 2023 that they firmly believe in safeguarding the green belt and protecting natural habitats. The "local" Conservatives showed little opposition, despite the neighbourhood plan being in motion for three years, and did not take initiative to spread word of the poorly advertised consultation.

The "local" Conservatives now complain about Preston residents being sold out. However, I met with six of them, who represented two-thirds of the local respondents. Unlike grappling with feedback from only 35 individuals, I personally contributed 2,500 words for the consultation! Our councillors should have shown strong and stable leadership to prioritise Weymouth residents over developers.

We shouldn't need to wait until the end of the year for a referendum, especially after three years of inaction.

This digital artwork portrays a vision of what Weymouth could potentially look like in 2054 if the proposed Lib Dem-led neighbourhood plan is approved following the upcoming referendum at the end of the year.